Top 6 Mistakes done in Learning a New Language


Learning a new language can take much time if you don't have a system to learn it or haven't set your goals at a satisfying time period. In such a case you are going to steal your time, money and your motivation of learning other additional languages.
Here are 6 mistakes done by new language learners, take these in account in order to avoid them :

1. Choosing a Course with Poor Quality

It is very important to choose the right course in order to get the most of it. Before choosing a course do serious researches and try to get in contact with people who have already done these experiences. It is a wise decision to pay more than to choose a cheap course with poor education quality.

2. Buying unnecessary or forgetting bought Working Materials
At the beginning where everybody is highly motivated to learn a new language is buying working materials that are to much for the beginning as a beginner or the wrong ones. In many cases we are buying that much materials such as flash cards, study kits, teach yourself manuals, dictionaries, softwares, books (mostly advanced levels) that we do not use at the beginning and due to leave them lying on the shelf.

3. Not taking in account the difficulties of that particular language

Be always realistic and do not underestimate the time of learning a new foreign language. The fact is that some languages are more difficult to learn the others. For example it will be easy to learn italian for those ones who speak a latin based language as native.

4. Learning Discipline

It is a must for those ones to have a learning discipline who are starting to learn a foreing language. Many people are struggling with their self-disicpline when they have started to learn a new language. The point is that learning a new language needs time and disicpline in order to learn it properly within a certain time period.

5. Learning Speed and Technique

Learning speed is about your talent and skills it has nothing to do with the difficulties of the language you are learning. But the learning technique which you are using is also effecting directly your learning process. Therefore, check how quick you are able to learn specific terms, grammars, new words, vocabulary and than adapt that certain method of learning to your learning.

6. Not to Learn the Language in its Origin

One of the easiest and quickiest way to learn a foreign language is to learn it in the country of origin where your are surrounded by native speakers. The reason is you will be forced to use the language all the time. You will think, speak, demand, feel and even dream in that particular language. You will save time, you will get that much familiar with the language and learn it in couple of month instead of years by not being there.

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Language Jokes 4 - The importance of Foreign Language for Companies

Foreign language knowledge is really that much important for international companies that they should have a department which is dealing only with foreign languages, cultures, attidudes, ...etc It becomes a critical stage for them when they have the intention to become a multinational Brand. All companies have to consider the meanings of their slogans and  campaigns or the name of the brand when they are going to launch it. Because sometimes really good slogans or brand names in their country may cause disasters abroad which can harm the product or the whole company. Here are some typical examples.... : )))

Scandinavian vacuum manufacturer Electrolux used the following in an American campaign: Nothing sucks like an Electrolux.

Information on how to use a hotel air conditioner: Cooles and Heates: If you want just condition of warm in your room, please control yourself.


     For additional examples visit our facebook page. >>> click here

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Proverbs about Languages 2

Proverbs about Languages
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
Nelson Mandela

The limits of my language are the limits of my universe.
Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt.
* Ludwing Wittgenstein

When you go to a country, you must learn how to say two things: how to ask for food, and to tell a woman that you love her. Of these the second is more important, for if you tell a woman you love her she will certainly feed you.
* Louis L'Amour

No man should travel until he has learned the language of the country he visits. Otherwise he voluntarily makes himself a great baby, - so helpless and so ridiculous.
* Ralph Waldo Emerson

A man who speaks three language is trilingual.
A man who speaks two languages is bilingual.
A man who speaks only one language is English.

Un homme qui parle trois langues est trilingue.
Un homme qui parle deux langues est bilingue.
Un homme qui ne parle qu'une langue est anglais.

* Claude Gagnière

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Italian for Tourists - part 2

Italian for Tourists  2 


What´s your name ?                 Come ti chiami ?
                                               Come si chiama ?   (formal)

My Name is ......                       Mi chiamo .......

Do you speak Italian ?              Parli italiano ?
                                               Parla italiano ?   (formal)

Yes, I speak italian.                  Si, io parlo italiano.                          
                                               Non parlo italiano.

How old are you ?                    Quanti anni hai ?
                                               Quanti anni ha ?   (formal)

Where are you from ?                Di dove sei ?
                                               Di dove´e ?    (formal)

I am from .........                         Sono di ......   ( New York, Parigi (paris), Milano (milan), Prato)

Week                  La settimana
Month                 Il mese
Day                     Il giorno
Today                 Oggi
Tomorrow           Domani
Yesterday            Ieri
Year                    L´anno

Monday              Lunedi
Tuesday              Martedi
Wednesday         Mercoledi
Thursday             Giovedi
Friday                 Venerdi
Saturday             Sabato
Sunday                Domenica


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Uni-Language - Comedy Central : ))))

Brian Regan - Uni-Lingual

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The Relationship between Age and Language Learning

What is the relationship between age and language learning ?

There are many prejudices, myths, misunderstandings and misconceptions about the abilities or inabilities of the language learners of different ages. There are many question about this where nobody  has an exact answer for it. 

  • Do children learn language quicker than adults ? 
  • Is it impossible for adults to achieve fluency in any additional language ? 

In one sipmle word - " No "

These and other kind of beliefs are no right. Children do not learn quicker than adults, even  adult people may learn more efficiently. Since age is not a determining factor of learning language  there will be no loss of language learning abilities over a certain of time. In addition, learning additional languages (second, third, etc) keeps the human brain active and this is an benefit for older learners. This means that people of any ages can take advantages from learning additional languages.

There are two reports (click below  read more ) which were sponsored by the US Department of Education. The reports show the effect of age and language learning from two different point of view. The Older Language Learner shows some of the myths surrounding adult language learners, and Myths and Misconceptions about Second Language Learning shows the same from the perspective of working with children
These reports were produced mainly for teachers and educators, but they clearly show that people of any age can be accomplished language learners, particularly self-motivated adults. In addition, they show how learning style and different learning methods can have a powerful impact on our success rate as language learners.

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Pronounciation in Spanish

Pronounciation in Spanish

Vowels in Spanish

The pronunciation of Spanish vowels is easy for all native English speakers and for those ones which English is the second language. This is because there are similar vowel sounds in English and all the Spanish vowels are generally pronounced in the same way. In some cases Spanish vowels are pronounced slightly differently depending on the letters before or after them. 


In Spanish,  

  • A is pronounced like the A in "awesome", never like the A in "apple".
  • E is pronounced like the A in "hay".
  • I is pronounced like the EE in "jeep".
  • O is pronounced like the OA in "goat".
  • U is pronounced like the U in "duty".


Consonants in Spanish

Spanish consonants have similar pronunciation as consonants in English, but there are a few consonants that have distinct differences to those of English :

      In Spanish
  • B and V sound identical in Spanish in most cases, like the "b" in baby.
  • G is pronounced like the g in good, except when it comes before an E or an I, when it is pronounced like the hard H in English (the Spanish J). Gimenez (himenez), Girona (hirona), Genial (henial)
  • H is always silent "hola" is pronounced "ola". Hernandez (ernandez), Hermano (ermano)
  • J is pronounced like the hard H of "hello", perhaps a little harder than one would say it in English. Javier (havier), juego (huego)
  • L is pronounced like the L in "like", never like the "le" in ankle.
  • LL is pronounced like the Y in "yawn", Lleno (yeno),
  • Ñ is pronounced like the NY in "canyon". Nunez (nunyez)
  • RR is the infamous rolling R, which stumps beginning speakers. You can try making to brum-brum sound imitating a car motor or imitate a cat purring.
  • X is pronounced either like the S or the Spanish J, "experto", is pronounced as esperto, "México" is pronounced as meh-hee-co and not meks-ih-co.
  • Z is pronounced identically to S, like "single". This pronunciation is standard in all of Latin American. In Spain, Z is pronounced as TH, as in the TH of 'math'.

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Favorite Foreign Languages to Learn

Almost all foreign languages learners are asking themself this question when they are just at the beginning. What are the top foreign languages to learn ? Which one is the most suitable one ? First of all we have to set the definition of the "foreign language". A foreign language is a language which is not spoken by the people of a particular place or in the native country of the person. For example, a Spanish/English speaker living in China can say that Chinese is a foreign language to him/her. As we have mentioned in the previous articles how to decide for the right foreign language we will go on in this article to show you the favorite ones.

Top 10 Languages Learned in the U.S
Based on Fall 2006 Enrollment in the U.S. Institutions of Higher Education

Language                                        % of Enrollment
1. Spanish                                                 52,2 %
2. French                                                  13,1 %
3. German                                                     6 %
4. American Sign Language                           5 %
5. Italian                                                        5 %
6. Japanese                                                4,2 %
7. Chinese                                                  3,3 %
8. Latin                                                         2 %
9. Russian                                                   1,6 %
10.Arabic                                                   1,5 %

Top 5 additional spoken/interested Languages in Europe
Survey, Europeans and their Languages Feb,2006

1. English                 38 %
2. French                 14 %
3. German               14 %
4. Spanish                 6 %
5. Russian                 6 %

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Language Jokes 3

Language Jokes
4 Languages

A Swiss guy visiting Sydney, Australia, pulls up at a bus stop where two locals are waiting. "Entschuldigung, koennen Sie Deutsch sprechen?" he asks.
The two Aussies just stare at him.
"Excusez-moi, parlez vous Francais?" he tries.
The two continue to stare.
"Parlare Italiano?"
No response.
"Hablan ustedes Espanol?"
Still nothing.
The Swiss guy drives off, extremely disgusted. The first Aussie turns to the second and says, "Y'know, maybe we should learn a foreign language."
"Why?" says the other. "That guy knew four languages, and it didn't do him any good."

Be Careful following the Crowd

A missionary recruit goes to Venezuela for the first time, struggling with the language. He visits one of the local churches and sits in the front row.
So as not to make a fool of himself, he decides to pick someone out of the crowd to imitate. He decides to follow the man sitting next to him in the front pew. As they sing, the man claps his hands, so the missionary recruit claps, too. When the man stands up to pray, the missionary recruit stands up, too. When the man sits down, the missionary sits down.
Later in the service, the man next to him stands up again, so the missionary stands up, too.
Suddenly a hush falls over the entire congregation. A few people gasp. The missionary looks around and sees that no one else is standing. So he sits down.
After the service ends, the missionary recruit greets the preacher. "I take it you don't speak Spanish," the preacher says.
The missionary replies, "No, I don't. It's that obvious?"
"Well yes," the preacher says. "I announced that the Acosta family had a new-born baby boy, and I asked the proud father to please stand up."

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How to improve foreign language skills

Speaking an additional foreign language has many benefits. You can express your thougts, ideas and feeling better in different languages instead of using a translator. This will help also to increase your interactions with different people, communities, and organizations.

But foreign languages are not easy to learn you need time and have to work very hard for it. You have to work hard on grammar, vocabulary and speaking (pronunciation) to get the basics of that particular language.

Here are additional tips how to improve foreign language skills :

1. Take your Time

To learn a foreign language in a perfect way, you need to spend much more time in it. Reading, listening and speaking are the three most important factors of learning a language. Therefore, you need to read books, magazines, newspapers in that particular language. Listening to music and speaking will help you to improve your correct pronunciation.

2. Travel to the Country where the language is spoken natively

Traveling to that country where the language is spoken natively will give you good experience. Being there will help you to understand their culture, tradition and their values with the language. In this way you will quickly get used to it, you will speak and pronounce the language as it is, you will behave in their body language, and you will also learn words which you will newer learn in books because of regional accents.

3. Be a Member of Communties

All languages have their communities and it is a good way to pratice and learn your foreign language. It will help you to understand where like-minded people share their thoughts, ideas and oppinons.

4. Get the most of it.

One important point in learning an foreign language is to love it. If you want to learn a language and want to get the most of it,  LOVE IT and ENJOY IT. : )))

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Italian for Tourists - part 1

Italian for Tourists   1

Hi / Hello                       - Ciao              Welcome !   -   Benvenuti !  
bye (informal)

Hello / Good Morning      - Buon giorno
Good afternoon              - Buon pomeriggio
Good evening                 - Buona sera
Good night                     - Buona notte

Goodbye                        - Arrivederci
                                     - ArriverderLa  (formal)

See you later                  - A piu tardi
See you soon                  - A presto
See you tomorrow           - A domani

Please                            - Per favore
Thank you                       - Grazie
Thank you very much       - Grazie mille
You are welcome             - Prego
Sorry                              - Mi dispiace
Excuse me                       - Scusi  (scusa - formal)

How are you ?                  - Come stai ?  ( Come sta ?  formal)
Grazie, bene e tu ?           - Thank you, fine and you ?
Grazie, bene e Lei ?          - Thank you, fine and you ?  (formal)
I am fine                           - Sto bene
Pretty good                      - Abbastanza bene
So so                                - Cosi Cosi

Yes                                   - Si
No                                    - No

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